Affiliate Disclosure
This site uses affiliate links. Posts published on this blog may recommend products and/or services related to the translation industry and freelancing in general. Some of the links to those products and/or services are affiliate links. That means that if you make a purchase through any of those links, I may receive a small commission to help support me to run this blog. There will be absolutely no extra cost to you.
I do not recommend any products or services I am unfamiliar with or that I haven’t tested first. All reviews and recommendations reflect my honest opinion. Whenever I recommend a product or service, whether via an affiliate link or not, that is because I genuinely believe it will benefit you.
Not every link to a recommended product or service is an affiliate link. If there is a relevant product or service that I believe will help my readers, I will promote it on this blog regardless of any affiliate programmes.
Below is the full list of affiliate programmes (as of 22/11/2020) of which this blog is a participant:
- Amazon Services LLC Associates Program
- eBay Partner Network
- Inc.
- MyCommerce (by Digital River)
- FastSpring
Disclaimer Regarding This Site’s Content
Translation & Interpreting is a blog dedicated to sharing information about the translation industry. None of this site’s content constitutes professional advice. I am not a career coach or advisor and cannot be held liable for any actions you take as a result of reading this blog.
All information, recommendations, opinions and suggestions are for education purposes only. My goal is to share what I have learned from my experience as a professional who has been working in the translation industry since 2017. While the information provided is believed to be accurate, it may include errors or inaccuracies. All my content is produced to the best of my knowledge and ability.
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